Android-Generic Project : Using With Bliss OS Source:
1. Setting up the environment
This first part will go over the steps needed to sync and setup your Build Environment for Bliss OS 14.3 source. If you have done that already, you can skip to the next section. Setting up your build environment can also be done the easy way , and for that, we can use EZ-AOSP. For Ubuntu, use MikeCrigs' repo, or for MX-Linux, use My repo, and continue at “Grabbing the Source” when done. Otherwise, we have the manual steps below.
System Requirements
Installing Java 8
Grabbing Dependencies
If you plan on building the kernel with the NO_KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE flag, you will need to also have gcc-10+ installed:
Setting up your credentials
The first thing you should do when you install Git is to set your user name and email address. This is important because every Git commit uses this information, and it’s immutably baked into the commits you start creating:
Grabbing the Source
(This is where EZ-AOSP leaves off)
We will need to create a folder for our project, then init the manifest, and sync the repo, and we do all that in a few simple terminal instructions:
Although we are doing our best to help you learn, it never hurts to become a bit more versed in building AOSP. so be sure to also check out: AOSP building instructions
2. How to include Android-Generic Project into your Project:
Now all we have to do is clone AGP into the vendor folder.
3. Using AGP with Bliss OS
Now that AGP is cloned into the project, we start it up like so:
For the legacy menu (SSH/TTY only)
That's it! It will initially generate the menu items with what is available for modules on initial launch
This will launch the main build menu, which contains all the options related to the build commands. From here, things pretty much match the main AGP instructions. Here’s a quick rundown of what they all do from here:
Build Options
This menu will show the various build options for compiling your project through AG.
Select Product Type\
Selecting this will ask you what device type you plan on targeting (PC: android_x86 / android_x86_64)
FOSS - Free & Open Source apps from Aurora Droid & Aurora Store (and microG client) (x86/x86_64/arm64) GMS - not implemented by default EMU-Gapps - Proprietary gapps extracted from Google's Emulator images. (x86_64 only) Vanilla - No added apps or services
None - No changes to Native Bridge aside from what Android-x86 includes by default Intel's Houdini - Will pull the latest supported ChromeOS recovery image, and extract the Houdini & Widevine files from that and include in your build. Google's libndk-translation - Will need manual setup of vendor/google/emu-x86 before using. Follow readme from that project (we were unable to reproduce results of extracting super.img automatically)
Standard .iso Image - generic .iso for MBR/EFI EFI .img file - Builds .iso for using in EFI devices RPM Linux Installer - Compiles as an .rpm installer for linux based systems and will install in a folder on the linux drive.
Make Clean Before Build - Will add "make clean" to your build command and have it run every time you start the build. No Kernel Cross-Compile - Will add the override for NO_KERNEL_CROSS_COMPILE and allow you to build the kernel using GCC 10/11 from your installed system instead of using AOSP or your ROM's GCC
Selecting this will immediately run the "make clean" command on your project. Clearing the PRODUCT_OUT folder
Based on what Product you selected prior to selecting this option, the script will compile the resources needed to include Rusty-Magisk into your build
This command is dependent on all previous options and will also save/reload your last used build command (all the options selected in this section above), then run the build command in the terminal. From this point forward, any errors will need to be resolved manually.
Last updated